Monday, June 26, 2006

Be the Master Aasker in Your Life

Most people go through life accepting what comes their way. They believe that life just happens. John Lennon spoke for many people with his lyric, "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans." Mighty disempowering thought. The thing is life is what you create it to be. Your belief system can be changed if you want to change it. The way to change your beliefs is to change your daily living patterns, i.e., your life style. One way to powerfully uncover your hidden beliefs about yourself and see your view of the world that keeps you stuck in monotony is to ask yourself questions. Health and happiness natually follow once you become the master asker in your life.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Be Well And Happy

The slogan people associate with me is "Be well and happy. In the end, nothing else matters." Since that message appears in my emails, on my answering machine and most places I leave my name, people remark about how true those words are and how powerful
they are.

I have known people who were healthy and were unhappy. I have known people who were happy but not healthy. Neither is better or worse than the other. Neither completes a person either.

Here is the big news flash: your happiness depends on your mindset. Your health also depends on your mindset. The six inches between your ears has the power to give you joy and peace through health and happiness. Being well does not mean being free of illness or injury. Being well means being content with your situation as it is. And being content--well, isn't that being happy?

You will discover the secrets to being happy, healthy and secure in the book, You Gotta Ask questions: How to be Happy, Healthy,and Secure

Monday, December 05, 2005


The way you think creates your beleifs. Your beliefs create your reality. You live inside the boundaries you created by your thoughts.
Want to know what you focus on in life? Want to know how to change your focus and results in life?
Ask yourself who your closest friends are. Are you experiencing the same degree of success or lack of it as your friends? You bet. That is why they are your friends.
Want your life to be different than it is now? Do you think changing your friends may make a difference?
You are a reflection of those who people your world. Each friend is a different aspect of you. Keep the parts of you that are successful, in your terms. Change the other parts. You may need to change yor friends to move forward in your life.

Friday, November 11, 2005

It Really Is All About You

Please listen to the song.
this is an audio post - click to play

Here are the song lyrics:

It’s Really All About YOU

It’s really all about you
And your point of view
EVERYTHING is life is really
All about you
And your point of view.

When you look at life,
Do you see the struggle?
Do you see the strife?”


Do you see the sunshine?
Do you see it’s bright?
Even through the darkness,
Do you see the LIGHT?

Do you see that everything is all right
No matter what is going on,
No matter if you’re up or down?
It’s your choice to wear a smile.
It’s your choice to eliminate the frown.


It’s all about you
And your point of view.
EVERYTHING in life is really

Take a few moments to ponder your replies to these questions:

It’s Really All About YOU

It’s really all about you
And your point of view
EVERYTHING is life is really
All about you
And your point of view.

When you look at life,
Do you see the struggle?
Do you see the strife?”


Do you see the sunshine?
Do you see it’s bright?
Even through the darkness,
Do you see the LIGHT?

Do you see that everything is all right
No matter what is going on,
No matter if you’re up or down?
It’s your choice to wear a smile.
It’s your choice to eliminate the frown.


It’s all about you
And your point of view.
EVERYTHING in life is really

Friday, November 04, 2005

Where Are You Going?

There is an exquisite song in the Braodway show Sweet Charity, "Where Are I Going?" I recall the lyrics from my teen years, "Where am I going? And what will I find? What's in this jackpot that I call my mind? What am I doing alone on the shelf. Ain't it a shame but there's no one to blame but myself."
Ask yourself those same questions. No matter where you are in life--you got yourself there. Which means you can get yourself to wherever you want to be. Get out of your own way. Ask yourself the questions that unveil your own wisdom. Take the steps you need to for Getting Unstuck.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Asking Questions

Do you realize you ask yourself questions all day long? Ever hear yourself say things like, "What was I thinking when I ..." "You know you can't do something like that, don't you?" "What makes you think you are good enough to ask her out?"

You know what I mean--the kind of questions that put you down, keep you in place, prevent you from taking risks. Those questions pour out non-stop from the Little Voice inside your head. In fact you converse with that voice all day long.

Think you don't have a LIttle Voice? It has become habit. You do not even realize it is happening. You are living on automatic.

Well, when you choose to live consciously and get unstuck from the doldrum life you lead then you will find yourself composing questions consciously, questions that move your life forward like,"How can I be even more compassionate in my life?" "How can I be even more creative in my work?" You will ask questions that let you know you already do the thing well and you can be even better when you learn how or more about doing it or being that way.

For that reason I say that the quality of the questions you ask yourself determine the quality of the life you lead.

Friday, October 21, 2005

You Gotta Ask questions

Most people go through life on automatic. They hear about situations that happen to others and figure they are somehow insulated from the bad experiences of life.

The thing is, everyone goes through some kind of crisis at some point--the death of a loved one, retirement (by choice or not by choice), health issues, etc. The general public lives life as though the inevitable will never come to pass and therefore not preparing for such events keeps them from having to act in a crisis.

In talking with people I have found that people do know they will face difficult situations but they have no clue how to prepare themselves in advance. They do not know how to find solutions and make plans.

Learning how to ask questions may save your life or the life of someone you love. At the very least it may make a painful situation bearable. Become the master asker for your own life today.